Great news if you're looking for project funding. We've just had the following from Severn Trent's Biodiversity Project Manager:
“We’re writing to let you know that our Boost for Biodiversity 2021 grant scheme will now be opening for applications on Monday 15th March and will close Friday 23rd April. We’re looking for projects between 0.5-30ha in size that will create or enhance habitats within the Severn Trent region.
Boost for Biodiversity aims to bring together businesses, councils, community volunteer groups, conservation groups and other organisations in collaboration with Severn Trent to implement a number of projects that will improve habitats for wildlife and provide communities with environmental, economic and social benefits as a result.
In the last 3 years we’ve funded over 35 different projects; helping with tree planting to woodland management, wildflowers to wetland creation.
Register at this link to access the online application form and T’s&C’s where you can find guidance on eligibility and scoring criteria. Keep an eye on our website which will be updated soon with case studies from previous successful applicants.”