2024 Header A4

Alana MCA smallHello everyone! I’m Alana, the new Moorlands Climate Action Communications  and Admin assistant. I am a recent geography graduate of Keele University. I have always lived in the Staffordshire Moorlands, where the local connections to nature have inspired me as an environmentalist.

During my time at Keele, I formed Keele Wildlife Society and have coordinated the Hedgehog Friendly Campus campaign at Keele. I assist Keele’s Sustainability as Senior Sustainability Intern with their projects and communications, as well as currently working towards a Masters in Geographical and Environmental Research, with a focus on climate change, conservation, community initiatives and youth engagement.

Outside of university, I help to lead two independent youth clubs, Tean Youth Club and Gaming Potion; I’m a Girlguiding district secretary and I am also a trustee for the local charities of SCVYS (Staffordshire Council of Voluntary Youth Services) and Staffordshire Wildlife Trust.

I am thrilled to be part of such a dedicated and inspiring team at Moorlands Climate Action and hope that I can be a useful asset to the group with leading the communications group and assisting with any admin tasks. If anyone has any queries, thoughts or ideas please do drop me an email or message!