If this Covid 19 pandemic has taught us anything, it has shown us the importance of having ready access to nature and being able to breathe clean fresh air, for our health and wellbeing. It has highlighted the vulnerability of those with asthma or breathing problems due to ill health or living in an area with polluted air. Our Staffordshire Moorlands Council know this. Their website, introducing the results of a 2019 survey states that “clean air is essential for health”. It goes on to explain the main pollutant of concern in the Staffordshire Moorlands is the Greenhouse Gas Nitrogen dioxide of which emissions from road traffic was the largest contributor.
Around the same time in India, a Young Climate Activist, Licypriya Kangujam was campaigning for leaders to act, to reduce the impact of air pollution and climate change in her home city. Licypriya was just 8 years old. Climate change is a global issue and children throughout the world are raising their voices to demand action from the adults who could act, if only they had the will and courage to do so.
Licypriya, was born in Manipur India. She and her family later moved to New Delhi, said to be one of the most polluted cities in the world. Here, pollution of nitrogen dioxide, carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide are caused in the main by vehicle fumes, industry and building. In 2018 Licypriya campaigned for action, initially outside the Indian parliament, to ask prime minister Modi to make new laws which could slow down these high levels of air pollution and to tackle climate change. Schools were being closed due to the poor air quality and the nation’s health was deteriorating.
In 2019 Licypriya spoke at the UN climate change conference (COP25) asking them to take immediate action to address the climate emergency. In addition to air pollution, she campaigned for climate-change literacy to be introduced into India’s schools.
She says of leaders, “They are not taking any action. I want all leaders to do more- otherwise our future will die soon. They must act now, to save our planet and our future”. Her efforts have not gone unnoticed. She has received awards and money towards her campaigning costs; this has been placed in an Environmental fund.
We have seen how Covid 19 has affected our lives in Great Britain. More recently it is spreading like wildfire across India too and in particular, large cities like Delhi. News reports tell of too many people hospitalised and dying as a result of the virus, plus the lack of oxygen and equipment needed to save their lives. Licypriya has temporarily turned her attention to helping provide this specialist equipment to hospitals and Covid 19 patients. She has used part of her Environmental fund to pay for this. In addition to the issue of climate change, Licypriya has also campaigned for President Modi to address the problem of equipment shortage in hospitals. The young are making their voices heard to change the world for the better.
You can find out more about this inspirational young climate activist by following her on twitter:
Licypriya Kangujam (@LicypriyaK) · Twitter https://twitter.com/LicypriyaK
Photo Credits:
Licypriya - Dilanlekamge, Licypriya, CC BY-SA 4.0
Air Pollution in New Delhi - //www.flickr.com/photos/57519914@N00/5543835085">"View of West of Delhi" by //www.flickr.com/photos/57519914@N00">jepoirrier is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0