Recently, MCA members caught a bus to take themselves and all their stall kit to the Sustainability Summit at Stoke-on-Trent. The ride only took a little longer than a car journey and was less stressful: we had no parking problem at the other end, enjoyed talking to passengers along the way and got a bit of healthy exercise walking to and from the bus station in Leek. The downside, of course, was that we had to get back before the buses stopped running and couldn’t stay for a celebratory pizza. Also, in the absence of an integrated bus system, we had to pay twice for the two bus legs in each direction, even though the connection was pretty seamless. In this respect, we envy the citizens of Greater Manchester with their Bee Network, where the buses are under local control.
Clearly, the Moorlands isn’t Manchester but there’s a lot of traffic running between Leek and Hanley, even at night. The loss of late services makes teenagers who live along the route dependent on their parents for travel to social engagements. Do parents wait at their destinations or do they do the journey twice, with all that that entails? Similarly, many older people don’t enjoy driving at night but would happily take the bus. It’s an unfortunate fact that the scarcity of buses restricts educational and employment opportunities, particularly for the young. Perhaps there’s scope for putting pressure on the bus companies? Do let us know if you agree, via
Should we expect the County to spend our council tax shovelling air around the district? In our last issue, we encouraged our readers to get out and about via Moorlands Connect. We were concerned then that an underused service would likely be discontinued and now we know that current funding for the service will very likely run out in 18 months’ time.
Sadly, we understand that the current cost per passenger to the county is £25, caused by the low take up of the service and the logistics of running in a rural area. The threshold for continuing to support such a service is £7 per passenger, so the future is very uncertain unless there is a substantial increase in take-up, especially from residents and particularly in the winter months, as at present the main usage comes from summer visitors.
If we want this service to continue we ALL need to get out there. To do so, see their website, ring 01335 342951 or download the App from the website.
Meanwhile, we've heard that the County are looking to parish and district councils for help to increase numbers
1. Get hold of as much granular information as we can on usage patterns – numbers, seasonality, timings, routes taken, user breakdown. How much information there actually is may depend on the level of reporting that the County demands from Ashbourne Community Transport, who run the service. Also, have the drivers’ views been sought?
2. Establish, if possible, what level of subsidy above the efficiency threshold of £7 the County might be comfortable with, i.e., how thick the leniency layer might be.
3. Work out what level of increased usage would get us to that target.
4. Find out exactly how Moorlands Connect is publicised – and how and where that might be done better - community groups, parishes, national park, tourist sites and appropriate district councillors?
5. Search out similar campaigns elsewhere in the country?
6. Seek help from national transport campaign organisations?
7. Work out how a local, on-the-ground, campaign of engagement might work.
8. Any other ideas?
9. Timetable and responsibilities for all of the above?
With summer on the way, we’re looking forward to getting out and about more in our beautiful Moorlands countryside. But how do we get there? In most cases it has to be by car, although some intrepid souls take the bike, even with our hills! Electric bikes are making that easier and electric cars help to allay our concerns about carbon emissions. Nevertheless, there are still tremendous problems with car numbers, as we outlined in an article two years ago - Congestion: a Tale of Two Counties. With so many people wanting to visit, public transport would appear to be an obvious solution but with infrequent rural bus services it’s not surprising visitors lose confidence and opt to drive instead. Is Moorlands Connect one possible solution?
No new petrol and diesel cars will be sold from 2030 – just seven years from now. While EV charging infrastructure is being built fast in some cities and built-up areas, in districts like ours the journey has only just begun. In Leek, for example there are just two public chargers and one of those is often not working.
But at last there are signs of action. In late January, SMDC unveiled its plan for EV chargers in public car parks - in Biddulph, Cheadle, Leek and, perhaps some villages.
The plan seemed to MCA members and councillors a model of decisive and confident action – most took comfort from the fact the portfolio holder was himself an EV user and had a grasp of his subject.
20's Plenty Wins Unanimous Support in Rudyard
Horton Parish Council recently held a packed public meeting for residents to hear about 20's Plenty and how a village-wide 20mph limit will make Rudyard a safer and more liveable community. A presentation was given by Mike Barr, who’s leading the campaign for 20’s Plenty across Staffordshire, and Phil Jones, who's advising the Welsh Government on introducing 20mph limits across the whole of Wales from next September.