2024 Header A4

Save Moorlands ConnectShould we expect the County to spend our council tax shovelling air around the district? In our last issue, we encouraged our readers to get out and about via Moorlands Connect. We were concerned then that an underused service would likely be discontinued and now we know that current funding for the service will very likely run out in 18 months’ time.

Sadly, we understand that the current cost per passenger to the county is £25, caused by the low take up of the service and the logistics of running in a rural area. The threshold for continuing to support such a service is £7 per passenger, so the future is very uncertain unless there is a substantial increase in take-up, especially from residents and particularly in the winter months, as at present the main usage comes from summer visitors.

If we want this service to continue we ALL need to get out there. To do so, see their website, ring 01335 342951 or download the App from the website.

Meanwhile, we've heard that the County are looking to parish and district councils for help to increase numbers

through promoting and championing the benefits of Moorland Connect, as well as seeking local responses and thoughts on why usage is low. We are fortunate to have two new district councillors in MCA, Mark Johnson (Leek North) and Jonathan Kempster (Manifold), who are also very keen to help promote the service; Jonathan has already been speaking to parish councils in his ward. They are putting together a plan of action to see how we can help in MCA and to explore how campaign groups in other parts of the country are dealing with the issue of encouraging more public transport in rural areas.

If you would like to help out in any way, do please get in touch via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The plan of action is still in draft form, so all suggestions will be extremely welcome.