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Image for energy fairMoorlands Climate Action held the first ever Energy Fair in the district on Sunday April 3rd at the Foxlowe Arts Centre, Leek. Over 130 members of the public attended the free event, as well as 12 elected members of SMDC. They listened to a range of energy experts and users of renewable energy. Topics ranged from energy efficiency, new sources of domestic heating and water to community energy production. Here is a brief report on the day, including reactions from participants.


James Aberley, Chair Climate Change Working Committee, SMDC – Opened the day by highlighting the need for collaboration across all sectors of the Moorlands and the need to ensure delivery of ambitions.

Laurie Duncan, Big Solar – demonstrated their app which allowed user-friendly analysis of solar footprint of any particular building

Dominic Swords, Hope Valley Renewables – outlined innovative early stage project to deliver renewable energy on Derbyshire Dales District Council-owned site. How this can keep more of the value created within the local community.

Rupert Meadows, Power For People -– showed how much local energy projects could contribute to national and local climate targets. Highlighted the importance of mobilising MPs to press for councils to be given the powers they need to meet those targets.

Nick Parsons, Sustainable Building – a masterclass, full of passion and realistic advice, in how to make your house more sustainable and energy-efficient – and how to avoid the pitfalls!

Dr Richard Waller, Institute for Sustainable Futures, Keele University – A Life in the Day of the Smart House of the Future

Domestic Heating Panel including heat pump, wind energy and solar users and local suppliers – lessons learnt from the front line of the Energy transition

Staffordshire Business Environment Network, Beat the Cold and much, much more…


From Leek United Building Society, who made the day possible…

“We were delighted to be the main sponsor and attend the fantastic Moorlands Climate Action Energy fair. Turnout was great with experts, business, councillors and community groups from the area in attendance along with lots of members of the public who all showed their support and interest in such an educational and fun event. It was great to see people of all ages really coming together and engaging in something as vital as preventing climate change.”

Robert Broadbent, Executive Director, Leek United Building Society


From Elected Councillors

Cllr. Tony Holmes “I made many good connections on the day…”

Cllr. Charlotte Atkins a very informative and useful day…”


ExhibitionFrom Members of the Public …

“Groundbreaking because it brought things into reality - designs of alternative heating systems, photographs of installation works, data on exactly how much heat is lost and how. Seeing the slides and photos made change real and happening rather than a theory.”

“A thoroughly enjoyable and useful day. Very informative whilst at the same time pleasantly relaxed. Well worth the drive from Sandbach.”

“It was very helpful and informative. We were able to get all the information we needed.”

“Excellent. Good range of stalls, ditto knowledgeable experts (many local) which validated their experience.”

“I thought the fair was excellent. The speakers were informative, interesting and understandable and the presentation of the stalls was very effective.”

“I got the opportunity to speak to actual suppliers about different products e.g. solar panels and turbines.”

“Really interesting - great idea to do something like this.”

“A great place to discuss options and learn with people who are knowledgeable in the area.”

“Allowed us to re-evaluate the viability of an air source heat pump.”

“Never been to anything like this before and didn’t know what to expect. It was great and we’re still thinking about what it all means.”