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Moorlands Climate Action Energy Fair

The Foxlowe Arts Centre, Leek  - Sunday, 3rd April

The UK energy landscape has already begun to change dramatically but that change has only just started. The shift away from coal has meant that UK emissions fell by 29% in the last decade. But that top level reduction needs to be accelerated if national and local authority Net Zero targets are to be met. A key part of that will be the encouragement of renewable generation at a local level

Houses account for 28% of UK emissions alone. The scale of the task was set out in the government’s recent Heat and Building Strategy. Perhaps 60% of UK housing stock is not fit for Net Zero. Retrofitting housing with new heat sources and insulation will involve a substantial effort on behalf of local authorities and communities. 

On April 3rd MCA will be hosting an Energy Fair in Leek dedicated to bringing together members of the public, experts, businesses, councils, and community groups in the area. The day will see a range of presentations and workshops from the Moorlands and beyond for a range of knowledge levels.

This event will be held in the centre of Leek on the same day as the Totally Locally Sunday Supplement market.

Admission is free but, if you should wish to book a place in advance, you can do so via Eventbrite.








Cllr James Aberley, Chair SMDC Climate Change Working Group

Community Energy Production 

10:30 - Community Energy Birmingham

11:00 - Power for People

11:30 - Hope Valley Renewables

Home insulation and retrofit 

11:45 - Red.Coop

12:05 - Sustainable Building Consultants

Video - Richard Waller, Keele University ‘The Smart Energy House of the Future’


Stalls / Networking

Domestic / Personal Energy Production and Use 

14:00 - Experts on Ground and Air source heat pumps - a chance to have all your questions answered!

Panel Q&A

15:55 - Thanks


Upstairs in the Cabbage Rose workshop and the Rainbow Room there will be activities all day including miniature houses with solar panels, electrical circuits, demonstrations of static electricity,  windmills,  metal wire buzz games,  powered plasma globe and more.



Some hashtags for you to use leading up to and on the day: #MoorlandsClimateAction #MoorlandsClimateChange #MakeStaffordshireSustainable #TakeClimateAction  #SDG7 #SDG13