2024 Header A4

Crisp packet recycling landscapeNews from the Sustainable Consumer Group - Recycling Plus

We are keen to set up recycling points in the Moorlands for those things that councils don’t traditionally recycle, such as crisp packets, blister packs, etc. These can be provided through Terracycle. There is already a collection box for crisp packets at the Foxlowe and we are working with Transition Buxton to try to provide more for different items. Apparently a lot of Boots and Sainsburys stores across the country are providing old make-up recycling points. So we are hoping to see one in Leek soon.

Talking of recycling, we have been in contact with Ornua as they too are working with Terracycle, to provide a recycling point for cheese wrappers in Leek,  possibly at Sainsburys.  We were also pleased to hear that they have launched a new shape of cheese block for their Pilgrims Choice cheese.  It is more cube shaped and is called a ‘mega block’, using 40% less plastic for each packet. They say this will reduce their plastic usage by over 80 tonnes annually, which is great news.

Waste Savvy Staffs have invited us on a virtual tour of a Waste Recycling plant which we are very much looking forward to. We are just waiting for a date – so watch this space! We’ll let you know when it is so you can come too!

Finally, we are planning the launch of the Water Refill Scheme which was put on hold due to Covid -19. It has changed since we originally signed up to include grocery shops and sandwich and coffee shops as well as water providers. So people will know where they can get lunches / drinks in their own containers and where the refill shops are.

Their new motto is: Reduce, Reuse, Refill, Repeat.

They are having a big launch on October 1st and updating their app as well. We are understandably very keen to get on with introducing the scheme to the Moorlands so have decided to use the coming months to prepare by recruiting new volunteers and signing up businesses in readiness for our launch in the Spring when we hope the Covid situation will be better (fingers crossed!).  We are also going to put a bid in to Severn Trent for money to pay a coordinator to help us, as it’s going to be quite a big job!!  The Refill scheme could be the first step on a journey to Plastic Free Leek!

So, as you can see there is quite a lot of work for us to do and lots to look forward to.  If you can help us in any way, please come along to our meetings which are on Zoom every month. We would love to see you.