2024 Header A4

Plastic free certificateBack in 2021, our Sustainable Consumerism group started a campaign to get Plastic-free status for Leek. Sally Perry has been beavering away at this, largely behind the scenes, but is now very close. Here’s an update from her:

Most of you will hopefully be aware that we need at least 12 businesses to become Plastic Free Champions and actively reduce their use of single use plastics, and 30 Community Allies who try to use less and encourage others to do so.

I am very pleased to let you know that we now have 11 businesses and 27 Allies!!   We are nearly there.   I am very keen to have a final push and if we could achieve Plastic Free Status for Leek before Christmas it would be amazing!!

If you own a business or work for someone locally, in ST13, and think you might like to become a Plastic Free Business Champion, please get in touch. Twelve is our target but I’m not stopping there!

Likewise, if you belong to a club or organization who might like to become an Ally please let me know.

The law regarding the use of some single use plastics has changed recently to include plastic cups, cutlery and takeaway containers, so hopefully less will be used in future, but it’s still an uphill struggle and the fight against single use plastics goes on!

You can find out more at www.plasticfree.org.uk or email me on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Sally Perry