Happy New Year Everyone,
I’m sure you have had a lot of stuff coming into your homes over Christmas (some wanted, some not!!), however hard you tried to keep it to a minimum. It’s probably time for a sort out. Fortunately nearly all items can be recycled, it's just a question of knowing where. I know it takes a bit of time and effort to sort items and then take them to the right place but it is important that they don’t go in general waste if they don’t have to.
This is just a reminder of what things can be recycled locally and where.
The Tips (recycling centres) in the Staffordshire Moorlands will take lots of things that will not fit into your normal bins or are not allowed to go in the bin.
See www.staffordshire.gov.uk/Waste-and-recycling/recyclingcentres/LeekRecyclingCentre.aspx for details.
Elsewhere around Leek there are other recycling opportunities:
Crisp packets – there is a Terracycle collection box at the Foxlowe.
Soft plastics - Morrisons and Sainsburys both have collection points. Sainsburys has recently expanded theirs to all soft plastics, not just bread bags, veg bags, carrier bags, etc.
Make up – Boots has a collection point for old make up.
Disposable masks – Wilko’s has a collection box.
Ink cartridges – Rymans take old cartridges and if you are buying a new one you get 50p off your purchase.
Pens - Rymans will take old pens for recycling.
Batteries – all supermarkets collect old batteries.
Water filters – Sainsburys has a collection point for these.
Electrical items – Lloyds Pharmacies will take electrical items if you buy an equivalent item from them in store or on the website.
You can also take items to charity shops if they are in good condition. They might be your rubbish, but someone else’s treasure!!
BUT please remember, although recycling is better than throwing away, it's still better to reduce our consumption in the first place! If you can use something again, do so!!