Councillors, officers and MCA members at the Brough Park site visit - physically distanced of course!
As any gardener knows, allowing something to grow without careful pruning can result in a straggly and unhappy looking plant; the same could be said of groups – however much enthusiasm we start off with, branching off in too many directions might mean that we end up with not enough energy…
So with that in mind, the Nature group decided to focus its efforts on developing strong roots in three main areas for the year ahead:
Creating a regularly updated online resource on the MCA website...
Promoting volunteer environmental activities offered by other organisations, including Staffordshire Wildlife Trust (SWT), Seven Trent Water, RSPB, Peak Park rangers, local charities, environmental groups etc.
Supporting Leek Town Council’s management of green spaces
By meeting with council members and engaging in practical conservation in council owned green spaces, e.g. Brough Park.
Developing Nature Friendly Gardens and Green Spaces Campaign, with two focal points:
Contacting local garden centres, nurseries, etc, regarding their sale and use of peat based composts, chemicals, etc., both to encourage better practice, but also to gather information for MCA gardeners and the wider public.
Creating regular practical sessions for MCA members and the public that encourage gardening for nature, either run by MCA members or, if possible, external organisations.
So, if you’re up for getting involved, whether that’s doing practical conservation work, talking to people about what we are doing, or helping create online resources, we would love you to join us to help make them happen. You don’t need any particular skills, just lots of enthusiasm! Our meetings are usually on the evening of the second Wednesday of the month. While we need to keep everyone safe from COVID, we continue to meet virtually via Zoom (we send out meeting invites to all Nature group members, so you don’t need to do anything other than click on the invite when the meeting is due to start).