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Sally2At the end of November 2022, we held our first ever clothes swap at Trinity Church in the Lower Hall. A joint venture between the Youth Engagement and Sustainable Consumer groups.    For a first attempt it was very successful.  We focused on warm clothes, given the time of year and the high cost of keeping our homes warm.  Alongside the clothes swap we offered people the chance to make their own draught excluder for £1.

Unlike a formal clothes swap, we didn’t mind if people just donated, just took clothes, or both.  The main aim was to help people obtain warm clothes and help the environment by not buying new.   People were very generous in their donations and a special thanks goes to Hannah Grimsey

of the Black Lion in Butterton who organised a collection point in the pub. 

Although it wasn’t hugely busy, we had a steady stream of visitors coming through, from young families to much older people.  There were some who obviously really appreciated being able to get good quality warm clothes for a small donation, or free if they couldn’t afford to give anything.   There were lots of very happy customers! 

Picture1The draught excluder team worked hard all day, helping people make their own and making extras, which were taken to the food bank afterwards so that people could take one with their bags of food if they wished. 

We did well with donations, collecting much more than we had anticipated.  We were hoping to be able to cover the hire cost of the room which we did twice over!!

Trinity Church were very supportive of the event, letting us put a window display up a week before, advertising it.  They suggested that the next one we hold could be a joint one with them, during one of their coffee mornings.  We could use the main body of the church too which would be much better.

A huge thanks to Moira McCourt, Andy Collins and Sue Newman for their help in organizing and especially helping to make draught excluders.

So watch this space for news of another clothes swap later in the year.

Sally Perry